Welcome to our home on the web!
Improve Health, Well-Being and Personal Relationships Now!
Offering Spiritual Healing and Guidance On issues of Spirit, Mind & Body. Hours for healing work are by appointment only. Please call Elan at 541-844-2339 to set an appointment.
Our goals are:
Improve Health, Well-Being and Personal Relationships Now!

What people are saying about us:
I have gone to Metamorphosis for about three years now whenever I need help from another healer. Elan is always kind, competent and focused. She has an amazing breadth of techniques – detox footbaths, body alignments, theta healing, emotional repair, soul walks, extractions, release of Wernicke’s Commands, and whatever it takes to solve peculiar health problems. I recommend her highly.
Rita, Portland, OR
Elan worked on me as part of my personal mission to heal my heart/spirit. I had never had any experience with energy healers before this, so I went in with an open mind. Wow. Just wow. IMMEDIATELY after Elan started to work, I could feel this wonderful sensation through my entire body. And I mean it was immediate, and all encompassing. Elan knows what she is doing, without a doubt. All my life I’ve had this sad feeling in my chest that I couldn’t shake despite great effort. Within minutes, Elan went “in” and found the root cause and fixed it. I have felt just fine since then. I am absolutely thrilled and I sing Elan’s praises!!!!
Brittany, Eugene, OR
I wanted to say thank you for the healing you provided me. It has really taken me to my core and freed me to truly be myself and helped me to not only honor my psychism/sensitivities but to help other people close to me to do the same.
Cat, Oregon
Thank you so much Elan for the Cognitive work you did on me. I am feeling much more balanced, and my meta-physical skills seem to be growing and realigning with the original strength I was blessed at birth with. The generational work we have done, the “bad” energies we have pulled, and the aligning you do has allowed me to become mentally and physically stronger. School and Writing have become a much smoother process and I feel a burst of energy before any shifting occurs. I have control of me back. Besos & Blessings, and may your trip be fruitful and enlightening.
I have worked with Elan on four different issues:
1. post surgery difficulties;
2. removal of nightmares which had been plaguing me for years (I should have called her MUCH sooner!);
3. experienced a Brain Repatterning which changed many things about my life, and
4. her system for removing karmic connections between myself and people with whom I was experiencing irreconcilable difficulty.
All four times I have experienced success and will continue to call upon Elan when I need assistance which goes beyond the usual models I use for personal work.
Angelina, Eugene/Springfield
Working with Elan has changed my life in two significant ways. First of all, she helped me with my back. I had been suffering from lower back problems for years that prevented me from continuing on my weight loss journey and exercising, lifting things, and living my daily life comfortably. Just a few minutes with help from Elan, and my back has not hurt again ever since.
Secondly, I have suffered three miscarriages in my lifetime, two in the last year; and my partner and I conceived again in January of 2012. With help from Elan I lost my fear, and my body’s fear of miscarriage, and the work that she did helped my body recognize that I truly am healthy enough to carry a baby. We are now in our second trimester, and are expecting a little girl in September of 2012! Thank you Elan!
Roz, Oregon
Elan…. my friend said she could see I was about 1000 lbs lighter. Funny thing… as soon as I stepped out the door of your building…. this young man with a young boy about 7 was there and the little boy had two flowers and asked me to take one… at first I said thank you but you don’t have to do that… he said he really wanted to so I took it and said thank you…. it was very nice. I wasn’t invisible.
Bev, Oregon
I want to thank Elan and sing her praises for the work we did on Friday. I’ve been dealing with Crohn’s for a while now and after working with Elan, I’m doing better than I have in years . . . literally! We still have some work to do, but I’m so excited to be feeling better and am looking forward to fulfilling my unique mission in life. Thank you, Creator, and thank you, Elan!
From Sherrie in Alaska
I also wanted to say is thank all of you so much, life is now worth living. When I came to your shop, I was at rock bottom, no job, court issues, family problems life was unbearable. Since I have met all of you I now embrace life, I have 3 part time jobs, the case against me has been dismissed, and my family is coming back together. I can not even begin to express my gratitude to everyone of you. I never knew I could be so at peace and happy!! Metamorphosis Spirit has truly saved my life.
Thank You just does not come close to saying how I feel about all you have done for me. I never thought this kind of change in my life’s direction was possible, I Look forward to learning and growing with you, I can not wait to see what more there is out there. I know this will be an incredible journey, it already is. Thank all of you again, my life will only get better thanks to all of you and what you have taught me and what more I know I will learn.
Metamorphosis Spirit; the single most hugest something that has made a big impact on my life recently. I have met so many people there, so many more people I can’t even think to name right now. I’ve learned so much already, and it’s only been since December! It has been so good for me, a place to socialize, a place to focus my hands, and has become my home away from home.
A Nice Little Healing Hideaway, The Metamorphosis Spirit has a friendly and knowledgeable staff. Unlike most New Age or spiritualist establishments, here the air is not thick with incense smoke. They have space set aside for healing and consultations, as well as for social activities and classes.
Ed Strachar has endorsed your work as Shamanic/Holistic Healing Consultant at Metamorphosis Spirit. I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share. “Elan is a Master. Very good at what she does. I never used a Shamanic Healer before and didn’t know what they did but after our session , my whole body and mind felt great. More balanced, great clarity as well as deep insight into personal issues.
I have had friends utilize her services as well and they came back glowing and enlightened at the powerful and positive difference she has made. I recommend her highly.